Saturday, July 5, 2014

Perfect Nose Small and Defined - Make Nose Smaller

Hello pretty!! i just want to give a short review for Perfect Nose Small and Defined

This product assure us to have a small and defined nose without any side effects because it non surgical nose job I have always wanted nose surgery but I don’t have
enough money to do that, that’s why I ask some of my friends if they know other alternative nose job instead of surgical , so one of them recommend this product which is Perfect Nose Small and Defined . So im curious about that thing so I ask him how can I avail it . He send me this link in my facebook

I’m excited to use this product, I been using it twice a day every 3 hours , after 1 week I think there’s no result so I continue using it, after 2 to 3 weeks I can see now the result, my nose is already small and defined, so the more you use it the more good result will . I’m very happy to the result but at first I admit that I’m feel disappointed.

After a months using this product the result was amazing, now i feel im prettier than before.

This device can also use for those who are( Wide nose, Big, bulbous nose, Flat nose, Snub nose, Dull nasal tip and bridge, Asymmetric nostrils, Flaring nostrils ,Bent nasal bridge)

Description of product

The black HTEB (Hyperthermic Elastobasaltic) silicones of the device emit heat of 110°F (43°C) upon contact on both the left and right sides of the nasal cartilage while the 5 Coil Silver Spring exerts a perfect specific pressure of 35 mmHg on both sides as well. The device uses heat and pressure in reshaping the nasal cartilage safely and effectively. Results may be visibly seen within 5 to 10 days of using the device. Because cartilage has memory (cartilage reverts to its old shape and size once compressed), the device should be used consistently twice a day morning and night at 10 to 15 minutes each time for at least 2 months to effectively make nose smaller and achieve a permanent results.

Final Verdict 

I love this product very effective the result is good but the delivery is too slow but i will bet you that you will satisfied .Nice Company as well .Keep it up!!!

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